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Writer's pictureNorazura Abd Hamid

Becoming Unicorn Entrepreneurs at Raudhah College

Prepared by: Muhamad Hazrin Sayuti

We believe that most higher education institutions face the issue of underlying pedagogical methods, particularly in Education Entrepreneur which normally addresses this issue by identifying three common higher education teaching models. They are the supply model, the demand model, and the competence model.

The supply model - focuses on pedagogical methods that emphasize in terms of knowledge transmission and reproduction and procedure application. For example lectures, reading, watching and listening.

The demand model - focuses on pedagogical methods that emphasize in terms of involving personalized meaning through participation such as exploration, discussion, and experimentation. For example library use, interactive searches, and simulations.

Finally, the competence model - focuses on pedagogical methods that emphasize strategic intervention to allow or influence how students organize the resources at their disposal. For example, the use of knowledge and abilities into competencies that can be mobilized for action. This model emphasizes communication and discussion methods such as seminars, presentations, and debates. Knowledge production refers to essays, modeling, and portfolios.

In higher education, two distinct pedagogical approaches to teaching are commonly used. Pedagogical methods in entrepreneur education in higher education are frequently highly behaviorist, with a focus on lectures, homework, quizzes, and other forms of knowledge acquisition rather than the deeply experiential approaches of the constructivist perspective.

This distinguishes Raudhah College from others!

We are pleased to announce that The Protégé of Unicorn Entrepreneur is now being promoted at Raudhah College, Cyberjaya. Our goal is to have at least 300 globally competitive entrepreneurs.

Illustrations Concept of Protégé Unicorn Entrepreneurs Project by Raudhah College

This project is implemented by Raudhah College under the School of Management and Entrepreneurship (SME) through Diploma in Islamic Entrepreneurship (MQA/PA14577) program. Raudhah College, which is owned by the Malakat Eco Group, is designed to provide students with critical entrepreneurship knowledge that includes Islamic principles and the differences between conventional practices.

This program allows students to actively learn and perform Islamic practices in the real world of business entrepreneurship with guidance from an academic mentor and industry mentor. Graduates will not only have technical knowledge and skills in a variety of entrepreneurial activities from an Islamic perspective but they are guided to achieve the specific targets of sales during their study journey and will also be able to apply self-development as ethical Muslim entrepreneurs that practice Muamalat based on the Qur'an.

Students can gain an excellent foundation for a career in entrepreneurship or to start their own business with this program offers. Entrepreneurs, business owners, business executives, sales executives, corporate executives, business analysts, business consultants, and others are among the jobs directly related to our program.

The program is open for November 2022 intake to those who are interested to achieve their career as Unicorn Entrepreneurs. Program info is available at, and for any further inquiries can contact our Head of Academics Mrs. Norazura at (+6019-4696511) for any additional information about Raudhah College.

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